How can you help bad breath in dogs
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How can you help bad breath in dogs

How can you help bad breath in dogs

As much as we love our kisses and cuddles with our canine friends a full frontal attack of bad breath can quickly put us off! There are many things that can cause bad breath and persistent bad breath should be checked out by the vet as it can be a sign of an underlying issue. Most cases of bad breath our caused by odour producing bacteria that live on the build up of tartar and plaque and in these instances prevention is easily achievable.


Diet plays an important role in in combatting bad breath, By reducing carbs and sugar you are providing less ‘food’ for the bacteria. Sticky and gummy foods also stick to the teeth easier.


Good dental hygiene is also important There are many types of tooth brush and tooth paste available on the market to choose from. Its important to use a dog specific tooth paste as human paste can upset their stomachs. Its best to teach your dog to have its teeth cleaned from an early age but its never to late to start.


Dogs would clean their teeth naturally by chewing on bones and sinew so this can be replicated by providing dog safe bones and chew toys to chew on. Fresh hoof after the farrier been is also a tasty treat that will also help them to keep there teeth clean but it is best to avoid giving this in large amounts. Rope toys will also have a flossing action when played with under supervision. There are also many treats on the market that are designed to help with reducing the build up of plaque and help to freshen the breath.


Some herbs that we often have in our gardens and kitchens can also help these include parsley which has a wealth of benefits  including being antimicrobial and can help to reduce the bacteria that cause the odours. This should not be feed to pregnant dogs. Peppermint is also another one that you can add to your dogs feed to help relive bad breath (and can also help with flatulence).


We can also add peppermint to your dogs bespoke if you require.


In cases of a large build up of plaque and tartar it can lead to tooth decay and gum disease and they will need to be professionally cleaned by your vet. Vets should also be informed in cases of persistent bad breath especially if the breath smells sweet and fruity  as this can be Diabetes symptom, Like urine as this can be a sign of a kidney problem or foul alongside a yellow tinge to gums skin and eyes as this can be a sign of something wrong with the liver.

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