One broken and one sound horse with amazing equal footflight.
Definitely, the best supplement designed just for your horse. Junior is written off loss of use for torn suspensories and Hyperion is calm and concentrating. Bespoke is working its magic! £29.99 OFF for your own combo.
This mother-daughter photo was snapped as we gave Katya confidence to ride a medium canter on the 16.3hh she had only sat on twice before. It also captured a series of equal-foot flight images that are completely synchronized and of equal distance. Junior has 5 suspensory injuries: 3 branches and 2 higher suspensories are all thinned or torn. He was paid out on insurance as loss of use which paid for Hyperion, the one Katya is now taking to the High Profile Shows in Children On Horses classes. Here Hyperion is holding it all together on a bespoke and Instant Liquid Caalm, his calming combo, looking like a true pro. Junior is packed full of his joint support which is then powered up by the super concentrated HA called the Joint Gel Combo. The way we judge soundness is through footflight and asymmetry. This image has snapped what we feel and has kick-started University students' research project today!
We have a huge swell of riders who are thriving on their combo's and now we need to make sure everyone knows about it.
We can add this to your bespoke page whether you have a Buy and Book or are a pay-as-you-go customer. We can also add it as a Direct Debit option too! So here's a little more about it:
Antonia Brown competes and gives confidence to many young powerful horses. "It is not that you need to be calm it is the fact that in a place of distraction we need our horses to concentrate and listen to allow them to perform consistently," says Antonia.
A bit of background and reality behind a polished photo of both Junior and Hyperion - because a life with horses is up and down for all of us!
About Junior (19)
Our development team have been pushed to the limit by our very own trial horses Junior a loss-of-use dressage horse who had a serious breakdown 4 years ago. Irap, lazer, watertreadmill, pulse magnetic floor, a year of rehab walking and masses of bespoke supplements. He made us create Instant Liquid Caalm as Sedalin made him angry. I was flipped out of the saddle numerous times during these tough months. He now plays his Inter 1 movements at home. Trained in Germany to GP bought at aged 12 after flying through a 5 star vetting and breaking weeks later. His insurance paid out and then meet Hyperion - the payout horse!
Meet Hyperion (9)
Started under saddle in Germany and imported by Jayne 12 weeks later. He is one of the first foal crops from the KWPN sire Don Tango, a high scoring stallion at the 2011 performance testing. Jayne has been the only training rider but under the instruction of incredible trainers; Luke Barber Davies, Charlie Hutton, Adam Smyth. Katya has had the same wonderful trainers and she has weekly one-to-one lessons with Charlotte Drakely. This marrying of the training of child and young horse is seeming to be a giddy match of total excitement and opporutnity.
Hack Up Bespoke were the Main Sponsors of BD East and without it Katya would not have been put inside the boards at 7 years old. Now she is benefiting from the incredible support and expertise at BD as well as our own bespoke trial horses. Our horses have been testing and trialing for behaviour and mobility, pushing it to the highest levels. After two years of development we started with key riders who were keen to get involved. These included:
Antonia Brown - seeking improved concentration - and then mobility.
Emma Jablonski - seeking mobiity.
Emma Briggs - Masters degree in Equine Nutition seeking mobility and is now seeing her marks for extended movements improve.
Justine Armitage - mobility and winning GPs on older horses.
Char Mason - mobility, avoided the routine injections many horses have.
Beverley Bengtson - calmness, respiration and mobility - she has degree in Complementary Medicine.
Bespoke is incredible! Anyone who claims bespoke is mixing two pre formulated products together to create one, we can discredit that notion. We literally handpick every herb and make it into your very own bespoke. So it is definitely the best supplment for your horse.
Liquids to Activate
The body works naturally in an incredible way. Our vets support acute incidents but overall health, fitness, wellbeing and behaviour is over to us. Our vets get excited when they see our selection options of natural Vit E, pure Milk Thistle, Spirilina, Chamomile, Ginger, Tumeric and Boswellia, to name but a few. Our liquid and powder combos are making a huge impact due to the way that they provide the body with all of the key ingredients that it uses to be the best version of itself. We can change the combo quantities and timings to get the maximum effect, whatever our aspirations.
'Seeing is believing' is so you can see what we actually do. In 2018 we had open days but in this digital age you can see it from the comfort of your own mobile phone.