Tips for Respiratory Issues
Hack up bespoke team

Tips for Respiratory Issues

COPD or RAO Affects many horses in the UK so Hack Up look at some management techniques to help

Top  Tips For COPD  ROA

Chronic Obstruction of the Pulmonary Disease (COPD) also known as Recurrent Airway Obstruction (RAO) affects many horses in the UK and is caused by an irritant to the lungs usually pollen or dust spores.  Once a horse has become sensitive to one they can then progress to being effected by the other, so it is often best to treat them as if they are sensitive to both. Some of the symptoms of COPD are shortness of breath, in some horses you can visually see the horse heaving and they can develop heave lines. Reduced tolerance to exercise and getting out of breath quicker. Excess mucus in the lungs and nasal discharge. A recurring cough that can produce mucus of a clear, white, yellow or even green colour. In prolonged bouts of coughing can cause occasional nose bleeds were small blood vessels have burst.

COPD can not be cured as such but it can be managed.  In severe cases  a steroid injection can be administered to help with the inflammation of the airways and to  reduce the reaction of the irritant. Once the COPD is under control, depending on the severity, a horse can be treated by regular use of a steroid inhaler  or vetipullmin as and when needed.

·      Steaming  or soaking hay to  reduce dust particles and in the case of steaming also kill spores.

·      Good ventilation or living out where possible.

·      When being stabled using a good quality dust extracted bedding such as shavings , paper or chopped rape straw

·      Avoiding exercise when there is a high pollen count

·      Wearing a nose net during exercise or putting Vaseline around the nostrils.  Hack Up's Respiratory Bespoke Supplement and Liquid Air fed together can also help alleviate symptoms. Please contact us for more information.

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