Improve your centre line marks.
It's so simple, but not many people actually take the time to get it right.
If you’ve 8 buckets, then this will help you measure your ‘swoop’ as you come up the centre line. So many tests over-shoot or under-cut the centre line it’s refreshing to see it ridden accurately, smoothly and confidently.
It really isn’t hard to stand out as deserving a higher mark, so take the opportunity to get it right at home without thinking, then it’ll be easier at a competition!
Sitting at C the judge can see clearly if you're on the centre line or not, so be precise. Also I want to see the front 2 legs only, so if I see 3 or 4 legs then it's crooked. If it's crooked, and wobbling (not straight) then that's not the best of starts.