Improve your centre line marks.
Hack up bespoke team

Improve your centre line marks.

It's so simple, but not many people actually take the time to get it right.


If you’ve 8 buckets, then this will help you measure your ‘swoop’ as you come up the centre line. So many tests over-shoot or under-cut the centre line it’s refreshing to see it ridden accurately, smoothly and confidently.

It really isn’t hard to stand out as deserving a higher mark, so take the opportunity to get it right at home without thinking, then it’ll be easier at a competition!

Sitting at C the judge can see clearly if you're on the centre line or not, so be precise. Also I want to see the front 2 legs only, so if I see 3 or 4 legs then it's crooked. If it's crooked, and wobbling (not straight) then that's not the best of starts.

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