Fiona Dowdell, both human and animal chiropractor chooses Hack Up Bespoke
I have been recommending Alex and his Hack Up products to clients and friends for years! I love the fact they are genuinely bespoke, the ingredient quality is excellent....
Chiropractor and Hack Up Bespoke customer of 6 years tells her story .... AND earns her place on our PRO RIDERS page, As she's a 'Pro' who rides
"I am a human and animal Chiropractor with my own multi disciplinary business in Buckinghamshire - The Swanbourne Clinic. I split my working week between treating animals and people. As I qualified in 1997 (humans) and 1999 (animals) I have had the pleasure of meeting thousands of lovely people and their animals.
I have been a Hack Up Bespoke customer since 2013 - initially buying the liquid calmer for my daughter’s dressage pony who tensed up at competitions. Since then we have had numerous bespoke formulations particularly for joints.
I currently have 4 horses at home ranging from my amazing 30 year old retired dressage horse Tom through to Ruby the 22 year old connie superstar dressage to Bella my third generation home bred rocking horse pony and a 5 year old highland we are just starting to back.
I have been recommending Alex and his Hack up products to clients and friends for years! I love the fact they are genuinely bespoke, the ingredient quality is excellent and there are no fillers and no massive corporation making crazy profits out of us horse owners (it is OK Alex - you and Jayne are allowed to make a profit!)
I love helping people with their own bodies and those of their horses - so often it is a complex set of problems that require a broader solution than just one thing. Chiropractic treatment is excellent for maximizing your horses physical performance, it is great for helping injuries to resolve and getting and maintaining your horses to be symmetrical and aligned. Treating humans too means I get to see more of the picture and ensure the rider is symmetrical too!"
The Swanbourne clinic
I am dedicated to ensure that all people treating horses are trained to a high professional level and to this end I am the Chiropractic representative on the RAMP council.