The power of bespoke flowers and minerals
A plethora of powders combined with a fusion of flowers....
Hack Up Bespoke uses a plethora of powders and fusions of flowers – to create the most potent and powerful blend of the ingredients have been successfully used for centuries. Our formulators work closely with 1000’s of horses and dogs so our products are tried and tested before we advertise and unleash them on social medial. Every grain of your bespoke is an active targeted ingredient; this is made possible through the digital world, enabling us to remove caking agents, preservatives, and product miles.
Our powdered bespokes offer herbs and mineral in their whole form, bringing with it all the active ingredients that work in harmony with the body to support and nourish. The fusions of flowers in our liquids are a unique balance of highly absorbed herbs and minerals that enable us to work with over 50 ingredients blended in unique combinations. Our business ethics and ethos follow our heart as dog and horse people. We compete, judge, and always use the support of our fabulous vets Rossdales. Bespoke is the safest way to work with the wonders that nature has to offer, as we only ever review the whole lifestyle, diet, and details of every animal before we begin to formulate. We will always recommend clinical support or intervention if we feel it is the best route. In these situations, we always suggest veterinary feedback and guidance first. Complementary herbs and minerals are safe to use and are supported by our team of formulators for chronic or behavioural issues. Our own horses and dogs use our bespoke supplements with the support of our vets and we recommended the same for every one of our customers. Complementary and clinical solutions - working to support your animal in a considered and careful manner. We are innovators who love to work within legislations for your safety which matches with our ethics of honesty and transparency.