Winning combination of Bespoke + Behaviourist
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Winning combination of Bespoke + Behaviourist

Help with behaviour to prepare a multi dog household for a new baby!

Helen Goodall is a dog behaviourist whom we work closely with. You can read her story on the Stories pages on the website. She first used us for her horses and now has Bespokes for her dogs too and regularly recommends us to clients when she feels they would benefit. Helen has had some lovely feedback from one of our customers who combines Bespoke with behaviour training as she is expecting a baby in the multi dog household soon. This was important to get the transition right as she has one dog, a rescue dog who was previously abused. The combination of training and Bespoke support has meant glowing reports from Helen and now both dogs and owner are ready for their new arrival. This is the power of Bespoke! Our customer says "She is great at reading their body language, she understands them so well and was able to guide me too. We did our homework and it's paid off. The difference is astounding." Her dogs have Bespokes for calming and for comfort and mobility.

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