Joints,, ringbone
Hack up bespoke team

Cantana - Going the best he's ever gone with his Bespoke!

Cantana has been on his joint bespoke supplement for 2 months and going the best he's ever gone.

Hi Alex.. This is my boy Cantana or MrC for short. He's 16 and I have had him two years!
He has bony growths in both front coffin joints- and noticed that he was a little stiff behind from time to time! I was recommended to contact you by a good friend, he has been on a bespoke joint supplement for a few months now and what a difference!! He is going the best he's ever gone. I hope with well managed care for his condition he'll be my dressage diva for years to come! Thank you. 

  • Tailored supplements bespoke team

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