Combo works wonders for cob mary
Hack up bespoke team

Combo success

Combo working wonders for Mary!

'This is me and my little cob Mary. She was in poor condition a year ago, with dreadful skin and hair issues and could just about WT and C. As you can see, she's a picture of health now, with a lovely shiny coat and healthy skin, working nicely in our pole work session. Great skin and digestive bespoke supplement from Hack Up has definitely benefitted my cob, thank you!'


Huge thankyou to Mary's owner Corinne for this lovely update! Mary is on a digestive combo which means she gets her 2kg powder bespoke and 1L of liquid at a discounted price and free delivery! Head over to the offers page today and get your fast track combo ordered in minutes!


  • Tailored supplements bespoke team

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