Customer 2013 loves the COMBOs
Leah has been using bespoke supplements for all of her horses from the very beginning! She has been using the powder and liquid combinations for years.
Hello! I first started using HackUp for my ex-racer when it first started up. I think I was one of the first few customers, and I am now told I first signed up on 29/12/2013! I have been a loyal customer for all my hoses and their supplements have changed for their varying needs. At the moment I am working closely with the team to support my now retired Arab x Cob Charm who is a complete stress head and worrier. She has had many medical issues in the past as well.
My current ridden horse, Calypso an Irish Sports Horse is on a bespoke supplement daily to help her stomach. She struggles with digestion and pollen and is an internal stress head who can be calm one moment and then blow up the next. I know that the Hack Up Bespoke has the most powerful pre and pro there is to buy, when I was first a customer, the supplier to Hack Up Bespoke was the brand leader for gut but today Hack Up Bespoke is packed with more of the active ingredients and is then combined with Chamomile, Ginger and the superfood Spirlinia, there is more in my bespoke and we play with the ratios throughout the changes in the grass as well.
Weirdo is my field companion. She is a rehomed from the World Horse Rescue so I work hard to keep her settled and secure. She is the easiest one of my three. She is a Traditional Gypsy who never really demands much. I personally really promote the use of electrolyes in the heat.
They all get HackUp electrolytes every day as well as the Liquid Air, especially on hot pollen-heavy days!
Thank you Hack Up for all your help and support over the past 9 digital years together, even then you guys knew more than anyone else who I talked to in the industry. As a show judge and dressage competitor I do have insight into this world. Now you are 21 years bespoke is it a pleasure to have grown older with you.