Hack Up has heritage of generations
Hack up bespoke team

Hack Up has heritage of generations

Superior horsemanship knowledge and experience from birth.

When your grandmother is the most famous female in the hunting and show judging field from the day you are born. Knowing how to get condition, fitness, consistant temprement is something you are born in to and wrapped in - rather than studied.  But add studying in and international riding career ontop of it and you get a 'one off'

We are so lucky that Alex worked in the supplement industry and knows how the 'off the shelf' proudcts are formulated, costed and marked up. He was working with key riders on bespoke supplements on their yards, many decadeb before the advent of technical dynamic coding. 

All the authorities were called in to discuss how bespoke would work with leglisation involving them in how the first website would even opperate. There was a grave reservation about who would want to fill in a form at this stage of the development - but that has not been a problem for those who want to get involved with their horse and learn about what works and what does not. 

Now, five years after the first website was built Alex's grandmother hit the press in H&H birthday issue, the only female in the hunting sector and reknowned for her Harriers.  She was also a huge personality on the show circult as a highly regarded judge as well as Master of the Cambridgshire Harriers for 52 years, which brought with it the ownership of the Cottenham Point to Point. 

  • Tailored supplements bespoke team

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