hack up bespoke supplements
Hack up bespoke team

Halloween competition winner!

Hollie Milne is one of our two Halloween competition winners!

We had so much fun doing our Halloween competition this year! With so many of you tagging your friends and sharing amazing photos of your horses dressed up, it was our most sucessful competition this year! We asked for your help to decide what the prize would be and everyone seemed to agree on what the best prize would be. Two winners were chosen at random and won a free 1kg bespoke supplement and a winter jacket! 

The first winner was Hollie Milne and her gorgeous horse Ghost! After chatting with our formulators, It was decided that he could do with general all round support with a little digestive aid. It was so lovely to receive some photos from Hollie and we can't wait to see how Ghost gets on with his bespoke.



  • Tailored supplements bespoke team

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