I Am Excited About Zorrita's and My Future with BD
Zorrita is doing great now and I can finally have a conversation down the reins with her.
So this is Zorrita, had he since October, 4 year old PRE andalusian. A friend of mine recommended your Liquid Calm as she had also had fab results with her PRE gelding, after trying a few other brands. At this point my confidence was dropping and the thought of riding her filled me with dread if I'm honest. I decided to enquire and purchased some. I received it the very next day and was excited to try it out (I was actually debating about giving myself some also before I got on lol).
Zorrita was the kind of horse that had no thought to process, there was no negotiation and when she spooked or didn't feel she could go where I was asking, she just theses up and off we want in the opposite direction very quickly!! I fed her the Liquid Caalm about 45 mins before I was about to get on and once on I definitely noticed she was more relaxed in her body, still a little tense and looky but she is 4 years old, so I am ok with that. I asked Alex to make me up a podered bespoke supplement that I could feed daily so I could keep the Liquid Caalm for situations I know may cause her to worry. She is doing great now and I can finally have a conversation down the reins with her and when something worries her she quietly stands and waits for me to say it's ok to go there. Since being on the bespoke supplement and using the Liquid Caalm as and when needed her education has come on really well and I'm excited about our futrue together at BD.
Thank you, Denise Burry