Katy Applin signs both of her dancing dressage horses up on subscription.
Hack up bespoke team

Katy Applin signs both of her dancing dressage horses up on subscription.

Not even a customer of a year, but has total trust in Hack Up Bespoke.

Well that’s both boys set up on the subscription for their joint supplement.

It means that there won’t be the panicked shouts from the feed room that we’re about to run out and can I order it NOW!
I’m always a bit apprehensive about setting up monthly payments as you never know what’s round the corner but the year’s payment is covered in 3 months and the difference saved can be redirected to matchy sets. ?
Both horses are feeling really well and it’s great to know that I can still adjust the formula at any time depending on their needs.
Really easy system to deal with and will definitely be doing the same with future supplements."
Katy Applin

  • Tailored supplements bespoke team

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