Instant calming, horse calmer,
Hack up bespoke team

Lynda getting great results with Liquid Caalm for her 4yo

We have used it before as one offs before going somewhere at a 25ml dose which seems to work really well.

We’ve been Hack Up Liquid Caalm on our 4yr old who’s on box rest.  We’ve been feeding 15ml twice a day.  It seems to have helped keep her a bit more calm in herself.  She does still have the odd explosive time in her little fenced off bit of the indoor school (she’s turned out in it while we muck her out to stretch her legs) but they are a lot less frequent.

We have used it before as one offs before going somewhere at a 25ml dose which seems to work really well.  It doesn’t seem to make them sleepy or unresponsive.  The only problem is it’s working out quite expensive at the rate we’re using it at the moment. Hopefully we will be able to get her back in to work in a few weeks time.  Lynda

  • Tailored supplements bespoke team

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