Marie Gallaway amazed by the Calming effect of the daily fed bespoke.
Clearly, sometimes you won't need the Liquid Caalm, but it's always handy to have a bottle on the yard...
"Well Mr Alex Gingell you wanted feedback on liquid calm and I'm majorly dissapointed.
I've not had a chance to try the Liquid Caalm as 3rd day on the daily calming powder stuff and they bleddy love each other. They've been apart since February and started fighting big time last autumn. No squealing tonight as I got thier tea. No busting fences down... (it rained today so couldn't get any individual work done so don't know how the screaming for each other will go.. But the 26yr old is the worse for it. Altho my 4yr old did try to chase the 26yr old after chasing her.. Across a lane :)
I'll keep u posted."
Marie Gallaway