The power of bespoke made just for your horse.
Hack up bespoke team

Pilot has been moving better in his first 4 weeks of bespoke

Jess you and Pilot are a team effort, how well you voiced his feelings to us, lets us create the best bespoke for you.

Pilot is feeling better just 4 weeks into using his bespoke powder. Jess took the time to work closely with us and communicate to us exactly how he was feeling and what he was fed indepth. We bespoke so much better when we work with getting the formulation just right and discussing our thoughts, coupled with the riders feeling brings the optimum results.

We also discussed the combo and many new customers opt for the belt and braces approach, however Jess is now going to do the combo for her second order.

The benefits of the most powerful Bosweillia available, along with the omega 3 and 6 and antioxidants within the Spirlinia, vegan glucosamine for easy absorption for our herbivores and sulphur supplied by the mineral MSM all flooded Pilots system through his nutrition and his body just knows what to do with it to be at its best of health.  The Liquid Joint added in with the Combo gives the body the extra molecules that changes the way the body benefits from the powders, and takes the results to a whole new level. 

Every scoop and drop of the drizzle and sprinkle combo is packed full of concentrated nutrition targeted just to your horse's system diet workload and most of all, how he feels.



  • Tailored supplements bespoke team

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