Calm Digestive Hoof
Hack up bespoke team

Texas Red Has More Concentration When Schooling

Texas Red seems more relaxed in himself and has stopped being so reactive to the leg when ridden on his Calming Digestive Hoof Bespoke. He also settles when schooling more quickly.

Hi Alex - Texas Red seems more relaxed in himself and has stopped being so reactive to the leg when ridden on his Calming Digestive Hoof Bespoke. Something unusual that we noticed is that he is now happy to poo when being ridden, which when we thought about it he has never done before! He settles when schooling much more quickly. It hasn't been long enough to see whether the formula has helped his hooves - another couple of months should show whether the horn quality has improved. He has the Step Free at shows and this seems to help. He did his 2nd BE80 last weekend and would have placed top 10 if he hadn't been 35 seconds under the optimum time...! 

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