Two Horses Each on Their Own Bespoke, Both Doing Well
Hack up bespoke team

Two Horses Each on Their Own Bespoke, Both Doing Well

I have two horses who each have their own bespoke. One has a calming/strength bespoke, the other on an AI/Joint/ Hoof. Both are looking fantastic.

Coch is doing really well on the Calm/Strength Bespoke. We are doing Team Quest competitions this year and I did worry that he would find the whole competition atmosphere too stressful but he has been an angel.
The first TQ competition was at the start on February and he was impeccably behaved all day, only getting a little tense in the arena but was a star in the warm up, even with horses around us rearing and spooking!
Catrin is doing so well on her AI/Joint/Hoof supplement. Her coat is looking fantastic and she's not had windgalls after being stabled since before being on the supplement-wonderful .
Thanks to team Hack Up for the fantastic service as always!
Carys Jones


  • Tailored supplements bespoke team

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