Helen Fenwick so amazed at Liquid Caalm effect on hers she's trying it on others too...
.... And the response is just the same!! "She was like a different pony, even stood quietly at the mounting block and stood calmly when I stopped to gossip with neighbors".
I tried it on a client's newly broken sharp Welsh section D. Very nervous teenage rider and sharp pony! I had pony for a few days and tried her on Liquid Caalm. Definitely settled her. Gave her rider a lesson on her, with liquid Caalm in her system and the whole picture was much improved! Brave bold rider on happy steady pony.
Anyone that knows how a Welsh Section D's mind work knows they are naturally a bit sharp and quick, no harm in them though. This pony's rider is a nervous teenager. She adores her Pony but was becoming more and more worried about riding her. I decided to try Pony on Liquid Caalm while she was at mine having some training for 3 days. She was like a different pony, even stood quietly at the mounting block and stood calmly when I stopped to gossip with neighbours! Standing still usually ended in a tantrum and small hops!
I invited the young girl to come and ride Pony while under the influence of liquid caalm and the transformation was wonderful. Stood like a rock, smooth transitions and a happy disposition! They all went home happy. I wish I had had the help of Liquid Caalm years ago when I used to train lots of young horses, could have saved myself some scary moments!